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5 Lies I Want You to Stop Believing Now

Oct 23, 2022

I have designed a lot of commercial spaces over the years.  And Library design is by far my favorite space to design.  For starters books are and have always been such an important part of my life.  And buildings that house books often seem like sacred spaces to me.  Entering a Library never gets old.  From that first reflexive deep breath I always take as I take in the smell of the books, to the quiet stillness that settles over me as I make my way through the stacks and view the hundreds and thousands of titles.  

Because of those satisfying emotions, my desire is to help as many Libraries as I can to achieve their own personal version of greatness in any way that I can.  However, I can't possibly design every Library in the world.  But what I CAN do is teach other Library professionals like you to do what I do so you can not only get the best out of your Library, but also have the sweet satisfaction of achieving your goals and vision with your own hands and creative genius.

What I've learned in my adventures of Library coaching and online design courses is that so many of you doubt yourselves.  In this post, I want to tell you the 5 most common misconceptions I get from my students that I want to help them and you to overcome.  So hang out with me for a bit and learn about:



LIE #1 - I'm No Designer!

I get this one allllll the time.  And I do get where this comes from, I really do.  Just like with every gift, some are better at designing a space than others.  And for some it's like second nature while others stare at the wall of paint chips in their local Home Depot and break out into a sweat.  It can be intimidating; even to a professional.  But what I've learned is that every single one of my clients always has a vision and an overall idea in mind for how they want their space to look and feel.  The key of course is being able to transform that vision into a reality.  And with the right direction, every one of you can bring your vision to life.

Sometimes you just need someone to bounce some of those ideas off of.  You need someone to hear you and help guide you in the right direction so your ideas can find their way in the world.  You can find that in one of two places; either someone you trust on your staff, board or others who know what running a Library is all about, or a design coach like myself who can give you the sounding board and advice you may need.


Learn more about my One-on-One Coaching program by signing up for a FREE 30 minute session today.  Just click the link and pick your date.  We can chat about how to get started, how to put together funding, what the overall design process is like and so much more.  Click HERE to learn more now.


LIE #2 - We Can't Afford It

This one is super common.  And budgets are a real thing.  But there's always something you can do to get your design off the ground.  The worst thing you can do is to just do nothing.  So even if you don't have the full funds to redesign your entire building just yet, start somewhere.  There are ways to get the funds you need; people and organizations that can and would love to help if only given the opportunity to do so.  But you need to sit down with a team of trusted advisors or your design committee and begin brainstorming options now.  You also need to begin putting together a design plan (no matter how simplistic at first) and start looking at ways you can begin chipping away at your wants and needs list.

Ideas are endless.  But if you don't start digging into it, you'll never find them.  You just might be surprised at what other innovative ideas Library pros like you have already enlisted to add to their funds.  You need but ask.


LIE #3 - The Timing Isn't Right

I'm including this one here because it really ties into what I was saying about just getting started.  The timing may never be perfect.  But you can always begin putting together your list of wants and needs which I teach in a free course about programming your Library design (shoot me an email or join my DIY Library Design Facebook group and let me know if you would like that link - I'll be glad to send it to you!).  If you just sit and wait for the perfect time, it may never come.  But you can begin building your design plan and start looking at small changes to get you started.

Maybe you could paint a couple of feature walls to attract more attention to your youth departments.  Or maybe you have just enough in your budget or repair/renovation funds to replace all the carpet.  There are small things you can do that would get you on the path to complete.


LIE #4 - I Have So Many Ideas I Don't Know How to Organize Them All

Yep.  You do.  We all do.  It's the overwhelming beginning of every single design we all inevitably face as we stare down the barrel of such a large and often intimidating project.  But I can help with that.  And so can your design team.  My coaching program is a wonderful place to begin.  I offer a free 30 minute session to do just this.  I can help you figure out exactly how to sort through your thoughts and set you on the path to complete.  All you have to do is reach out.  I'm hear to help.


LIE #5 - I Don't Have a Team

This is such an easy one to leave behind you.  For starters, don't be fooled by the word "Team".  I teach my students that the last thing you want is a committee.  Which is why I use the word team.  But that's a very small group of people that you trust to know how your Library functions and to work well together.  You can find this in your staff members, Library board members, Friends of the Library, etc.

The most important point I can make about this is that you only need three MAYBE four people max.  Don't let this team become an overwhelming "committee" you now need to babysit.  It should be a help to you and not a hindrance.  So don't overthink it but get your team together.  If in doubt, find that one person closest to you in your Library world and see who they might recommend.  Step away from the problem and see your options with fresh eyes.



I want nothing more than for you to succeed in your Library design plans.  And the first step to that is for you to stop believing the lies that you tell yourself that will only hold you back. 

You. Are. So. Capable.

And you have mountains of resources at your fingertips if you only look for them.  You all have even the smallest bit of designer in you and that's all you need to get started.  And while budget is a very real threat to your design plans, it can be overcome.  Talk to your team and begin brainstorming.  You'll be surprised once you start those discussions.  And this goes for organizing your thoughts as well.  

Most importantly, I want to be one of the people in your arsenal of design tactics.  Begin your coaching journey with me now by booking your free 30 minute consultation to see what's next for you and how to take those next steps.  But take the FIRST step.  Reach out to someone who is already in your corner; ME!