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DIY Library Design - Is It Right for Your Project?

Aug 09, 2021

In my blog post from last week, I told you all about Off the Shelf, my online Library design course, and explained exactly what makes it such a successful program.  In case you missed it, you can read it HERE.  I am so confident in this design program and I want everyone to know about it.  So this week, I want to cover exactly who this program works best for.  There are so many different project types and Library divisions out there that you might not be sure if this can work for you.  There are public Libraries, school Libraries, law and academic Libraries, just to name a few.  And the short answer is that if you've got a Library design project, then yes.  This program can help you.  In the next few paragraphs I'll break down the different project types to give you more of an idea of just how Off the Shelf can work for you and save you a lot of money in the process.


One of the prime candidates for Off the Shelf is smaller interior renovation projects that require a little change in paint colors and maybe some flooring.  I go into great detail on the potential color schemes you can use and offer many many options for you to choose from.  These color options include your main paint colors and several accents along with flooring options, tile, wallcoverings and so much more.  All you have to do is select your favorites, order samples and narrow it down to your final choice.  The next steps in this video-rich design course teach you exactly where to locate your finishes and also how to get them installed.  It's really that simple.



Another small renovation need may be some new furniture.  This program covers that too.  The spreadsheet for all the necessary pieces and finishes are already there, so you just have to select the pieces you need and place your order.  I even have a video lesson on exactly how to select your furniture dealer and how to handle procurement and install.  


Some of you may want to do an entire renovation that involves full finishes changes as well as furniture for your building.  These are considered larger renovations.  The process for these selections is no different from a smaller renovation as far as the program goes, you just order more of it.  With a smaller renovation, you may just want to change your overall color scheme and remove all the existing dated carpet and rubber base in your public areas.  That will require nothing more than paint specs, a carpet spec and a rubber base spec.  All of these are on the spreadsheets and color boards.

But in a larger renovation you're changing out paint everywhere, installing new carpet, LVT (luxury vinyl tile/planks), rubber base, restroom and foyer tile, wallcoverings, etc.  You may even be adding new wayfinding signage and artwork to bring it all together.  Off the Shelf teaches you exactly how to do all of that in great detail by using video slides and PDF downloads.


In a new build, you will most likely be working with an Architect or Design/Build Contractors.  This will actually require the same amount of work for a larger renovation except that now you will be working with a team of building professionals to execute your designs instead of working with your own team of install pros (I teach you how I do that too by the way).  I have an entire section in Off the Shelf that teaches you the right way to get the design you want and communicate it effectively with your Architects and Contractors.  This is one of my preferred ways of designing as they will have full drawings for you to work from and sketch on.  


Off the Shelf can be used on any size Library design project.  Maybe you've been assigned a makeover of your new school media center and you're not sure where to begin.  Or perhaps you've been saving ideas for months for an upcoming public Library renovation.  Either way, I've got you covered.  This program saves you money on design fees so you can use those funds to make the changes you want to make.  You can learn more in one of my upcoming webinars scheduled for September.  To learn more about that, click HERE.  In the meantime, join me on the DIY Library Design Facebook group and ask me anything you like!  Happy designing!