How Big is Too Big - Library Vision
Jul 26, 2023Your vision for your Library is important. In fact, in the design world, it's the most important part of the process. But what's too big? How far can you take your dreaming before it's out of control? When are you just setting yourself up for heartbreak and how do you prevent that?
I want you to dream big. Don't misunderstand. Before you begin narrowing things down and honing in on what you really want and need, it's important to aim for that "pie in the sky" kind of vision. But there are a few things you can do to make sure you don't have to throw it all out before you ever even begin. Here are a few do's and don'ts to keep you focused:
It's okay to dream big. Just remember that this top-level list you're making is just to stretch your wings a bit. Write down all the big things. Add all new furniture, beautiful finishes, more daylight, reading rooms, specialty rooms, top-notch staff areas. Knowing every last thing you would like to have will almost ensure that you will be able to bring a little more into the finished design than you thought you might to begin with. How will anyone know what you want if you don't put it out there? In most cases, it's often possible to at least give you a more cost effective version of your ideas.
If you're doing your job well, you've put together a team of people you trust that are helping you make decisions about the long-term plans for your Library. And now's the time to bring that team in and begin a major brainstorm session. Show them your list. Ask them if they agree or disagree. Find out what their ideas are and cultivate that list using everyone's ideas.
This is most likely way too soon to begin worrying over the budget. You will need to soon. But right now is not that moment. However! It won't hurt to have a rough idea of what you have and what you think you can come up with. In other words, if you think you can only bring in a couple hundred thousand dollars, you know you're looking at more of a basic finishes update. If you think you're looking a several million then your dreams list has some wiggle room.
Another good way to stay on task while not sacrificing everything on your dreams list is to create three sections on your list. Go ahead and throw all your ideas on one big list. But after that, sit down with your team and make three different lists, whether that's on a white board, giant notepad or even just three different pieces of paper, and create three categories:
- Absolute Must Haves
- Things you need but could do without
- Things you really want but don't need in order to function
This will help you when it comes time to value engineer (VE), or narrow your design down to get it into budget.
Once your list is in order, do a little research on products and what they cost. This might help you to see what you could actually afford and what might need to be moved to the more extravagant category. You can also begin researching how other Libraries are achieving their design goals. Knowing what your colleagues and peers are doing can be very helpful when it comes time to begin your design.
Once this list is all done, don't forget to keep nurturing it. If your project may be a while before jumping into the rest of the design process, keep that list close by and add things or remove things as your thoughts and ideas evolve. As you visit other Libraries, read articles, and see new products, your vision will undoubtedly change. Make sure you make the written changes along the way.
Don't get bogged down in the details while you're working on your vision list. This really is the dreaming phase. But make sure you keep a level head so that you can be realistic when it comes time to make it all stick.